hiteshsethi.github.io β


Diabetes-mellitus Analysis and Prediction System

Website with a machine learning tool based on hybrid algorithm (SVM and bagging using Decision Tree) which helps the user to predict diabetic status. Web Crawler to crawl data from multiple sites to get drugs and doctors related to your disease.
Developed in JSP, Java Servlets, EJB, and Java.

Banking Software

A banking software capable of performing all the bank activities. This system was implemented with proper GUI along with proper connectivity with database and users were informed by the way of mails send to them automatically at the end of each transaction.
Developed in Java.

Development Authority Database Query System

This tool was built with SQL in the backend and frontend was developed in PHP. Effectively performing all the queries related to it.
Developed in PHP,SQL and HTML.

Library Management System

Implemented a library management system to solve the problems related to library like issuing of books, managing and sorting books and students profile, retuning of books on due dates and calculation of penalties.
Developed in C++.

Developed By Hitesh Sethi